Friday, May 20, 2016

How to be assertive without throwing emotional tantrums?

The main mistake that everyone does when faced with an emotionally challenging situation is to respond in an emotionally blind manner. Such blind responses will not yield any good results; and instead, makes the situation more chaotic and worse.

How to prevent this? The answer is quite simple, but needs concerted practice:

1. Understand that you still can yield positive results by postponing your reaction to a different time.
2. Take a resolve not to respond when you are emotionally upset. A calm and tranquil mind can come up with effective strategies than an emotionally upset mind.
3. Take your time and think over the best course of action.
4.  Choose an assertive yet tactful method of presentation.
5. Respond in a conducive environment that will give you an edge to yield results. {For instance, a corporate executive may respond by raising the issue in a formal meeting while a housewife may respond to the husband at the end of the day in their private room.}

In simple terms, it is all about making the other person see the lightning without letting him feel the bolt!

This not only prevents further emotional upsets, but also sends across a clear message about the futility of emotional exchange of words


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