Friday, May 20, 2016


The ultimate aim of all our actions is happiness. Whether you state it as career success, financial security, perfect health, peace and tranquility – all are geared towards the same aim of happiness.

Now, how do we achieve this ultimate aim? Let’s start from the grass roots, for anything built up without a strong foundation is bound to be short-lived. A healthy body is the most important requirement for that strong foundation. This strong foundation cannot be developed unless we have a thorough knowledge of what constitutes the body, how does it work, what are its advantages, what are its limitations, what happens in the body as a result of different emotions and thought process, and so on. It is this knowledge that we should attain first before trying to know about the more complex subjects of mind, destiny, soul, and the like.

So what constitutes our body?
Human body is the conglomeration of 5 basic elements viz., earth, water, fire, air, and space. The 5 sense organs are formed from each of these 5 elements. When the mind works through these sense organs, they help us in collecting data for perception.

Knowledge of our body and the way it works will help us to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of our happiness. There are many issues at the physical level that affect our happiness. These are manifested in the form of diseases. The source of these diseases is our own wrong perceptions resulting in harmful bodily manifestations.

So why do we have wrong perceptions? Since the functions of sense organs are limited, the information/opinion that can be obtained/formed is also limited. And to add to this, the feelings in the mind, or in other words, the emotional state of a person, also affects the quality of perception. Thus, there is no guarantee that our perception about another person or event is true in all cases.

Again, wrong perceptions maybe because of a predominantly negative emotional state. A chronic negative thinker’s perception about everything will be clogged as a result of the self-defeating irrational thoughts in the mind.

Another factor that results in wrong perceptions is that some people may have formed preconceived notions in their mind based on misinterpretation of past experinces. These wrong preconceived notions will also result in wrong perceptions.

But can the damage that is already caused be reversed and happiness attained? The answer is in the affirmative! This is done through a unique program called Emotional Reprogramming.

Thus to put it in simple terms;
1. Happiness is the ultimate aim
2. Knowing our body/mind complex is the basic steps to happiness
3. Negative thoughts have negative impacts on body&mind
4. Removing these negativities is the key to happiness
5. These negativities can be removed through Emotional Reprograming

Now that brings us to the next important question, which is – What is Emtional Reprogramming and how does it work?

Our body is the mould prepared by the mind for its operations. Mind is again a conglomeration of various types of thoughts. This is otherwise called the emotional layer. Feelings are nothing but a group of thoughts of similar nature. Every feeling in the mind creates an impact on the body.  An healthy feeling will have a healthy impact and an unhealthy feeling will have an unhealthy impact. However, the mind has the power to recreate the body and bring it back to positive health. Thus the unhealthy impact created in the body by negative emotions can be reversed.  This is made possible by a conscious process of identifying and removing effects of negative emotions. This process of reversing the unhealthy bodily manifestations by making corrections in the emotional level is called Emotional Reprograming. This reprogramming is the basic aim of all Pranadarshan Programs.


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